星期二, 1月 07, 2020

[Eggplant] Android Gateway | android rotate指令

--force-rotForces SN2 to rotate the image. Prior to Android 6.0, the image that came from Android OS to SN2 was not rotated, and SN2 had to rotate it, so it would appeared readable in Eggplant Functional. In Android 6.0 and later, SN2 receives an already rotated image. This option forces SN2 to rotate images even on Android 6.0 and later. This option is implemented in case some devices do not have this updated behavior.
--screen-rot 0
--screen-rot 1
--screen-rot 2
--screen-rot 3
Turns the screen by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees, respectively.






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