主要是看上有JSP Tag很好整合。
- Combine and compresses JS and CSS using different methods: on fly or in build process, CSS and JS fast compression or more sophisticated Google Closure compression, or just simple file combining.
- No-lock in solution. The tag just put around existing scripts. The tag can be turn on/off on the different levels: page and application.
- Debug and production modes.
- Calculate dependencies using Closure Library package/namespace system.
- Can automatically choose optimization methods.
- Multiple combinations of JS/CSS even with different compression methods on one page.
- Support JSP includes.
- Several types of cache, memory and file.
- Automatically regenerates the bundle if you modify an included file.
- Proxy-friendly GZip support.
- Rewrites relative URLs in your CSS files.
- JSP, JSF, Grails integration.
- Multiple loggers support (SLF4J, Log4J, Apache Logger)
- Can be setup to preserve license headers of JS libraries.
- JDK1.5 and higher even for Google Closure Compiler.