ZK Developer's Reference/UI Patterns/Browser History Management
From application's viewpoint, it takes two steps to manage the browser's history:
- Add a bookmark to the browser's history for each of the visited states of your desktop.
- Listen to the onBookmarkChange event for bookmark change, and switch the state accordingly.
↑ Each bookmark is an arbitrary string added to the browser's history.
Tips:ZK will notify the application by broadcasting the onBookmarkChange event (an instance of the BookmarkEvent class) to all root components in the desktop.
public class BookmarkTesting extends GenericForwardComposer { public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception { super.doAfterCompose(comp); } public void onClick$btn1(Event event){ desktop.setBookmark("btn1"); } public void onClick$btn2(Event event){ desktop.setBookmark("btn2"); } public void onBookmarkChange(BookmarkEvent event) throws Exception { System.out.println("-- onBookmarkChange--"); System.out.println(event.getBookmark()); System.out.println("--/ onBookmarkChange--"); } }
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