You will need to understand:
- XML for expressing the Web Script description
- <basename>.<httpmethod>.desc.xml
- Optionally, JavaScript for writing Web Script behaviour
- <basename>.<httpmethod>.js
- Freemarker for rendering a Web Script response
- <basename>.<httpmethod>.<format>.ftl
Those are some steps as the below:
Step1.create a descriptor file
You must create descriptor file in Company Home | Data Dictionary | Web Scripts Extensions space.
Name the file hello.get.desc.xml and type in its content as follows:
Hello This is first web script in Alfresco. /hello user required
- shortname is a human readable name for the Web Script
- description (optional) is documentation for the Web Script
- url (one or more) is a URI Template to which the Web Script is bound; variants of the URI template which specify a format do not need to be registered, however, they are useful for documentation purposes
- format (optional) controls how the content-type of the response can be specified via the URI; valid values are:
- argument the content-type is specified via the format query string parameter, for example /helloworld?to=dave&format=xml
- extension the content-type is specified via the URI extension, for example /hello/world.xml?to=dave
- any either of the above can be used
- Note: if not specified, the default value is any
- Note: if the caller does not specify a required content-type at all, the default content-type is taken from the (optional) default attribute of the format element. By default, if not set, the html format is assumed. In some cases, a URI may decide upon a response content-type at runtime. For these URIs, specify an empty format, for example format default=""
- authentication (optional) is the required level of authentication; valid values are:
- none specifies that no authentication is required at all
- guest specifies that at least guest authentication is required
- user specifies that at least named user authentication is required
- admin specifies that at least a named admin authentication is required
- Note: if not specified, the default value is none
- Note: The optional runas attribute can be used to force the execution of a web script as a specific user. This can only be specified for web scripts that are stored in the Java Class path.
Step2.Create a js(controller) file
In the same space. To create a file which is named hello.get.js with the following content:
function main() { model.fullname =; if( != ""){ model.fullname += " " +; } } main();
Step3.Create a template file
In the same space. To create a file which is named hello.get.html.ftl with the following content:
Hello ${fullname},Welcome to Alfresco :)
Step4.Register your webscript.
Navigate to http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/index and press the Refresh Web Scripts button
Step5.Invoke your first web script
Just to browse the http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/{your descriptor url tag attribute}.
In this example,The url is http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/hello.
if you use Administrator to login,you should see:
Hello Administator,Welcome to Alfresco :)
Web Scripts