星期三, 6月 24, 2020

[eggplant] 客戶問題: 無法透過RDP連線處理


To enable RDP connection debug logs:
1.    Create an environment variable in Windows on the EPF machine - WLOG_LEVEL and give it a value DEBUG.
2.    Create a script in EPF that connects to a SUT using its name in the Connection List:
Log ConnectionInfo()
Log “Waiting for 30 seconds…”
Wait 30
3.    Run the script in cmd using runscript:
 runscript.bat --commandlineoutput yes C:\CodeRepository\Suite-1.suite\Scripts\ConnectSmartCardTest.script

4.    Copy the cmd output to a text file.


The RDP DLLs that come with the newer versions of Eggplant Functional are different from the ones that come with version 18. There are some security restrictions on the SUT machines that do not allow the connection from EPF.
To try to overcome this, please try the following:

Try entering the hostname of the SUT instead of its IP address and see if it makes a difference. If not, try the following:
1. Quit Eggplant Functional.
2. Open a cmd prompt and go to the EPF installation directory.
3. Enter the following command:
defaults write Eggplant -rdpNlaSecurity NO
4. Open EPF again and try to connect.
5. If that doesn't help, quit EPF again and try the following command:
defaults write Eggplant rdpRdpSecurity NO





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