星期日, 6月 08, 2014

[Git] 如何push已存在的Repo到另一個不同Romote repo server

簡單的步驟讓你可以把Local Repo丟到另一台遠端的Repo

  1. Create a new repo at github. 
  2. Clone the repo from fedorahosted to your local machine. 
  3. git remote rename origin upstream (將原本的origin repo這個儲存庫更名為upstream)
  4. git remote add origin URL_TO_GITHUB_REPO (新增新的遠端的repo為origin)
  5. git push origin master (將變動的檔案push上去)

Now you can work with it just like any other github repo. To pull in patches from upstream, simply run git pull upstream master && git push origin master.


