星期三, 3月 13, 2013

[jQuery API] 偵測關閉網頁使用者點選ok或cancel


Way to know if user clicked Cancel on a Javascript onbeforeunload Dialog?
The code within the first setTimeout method has a delay of 1ms. This is just to add the function into the UI queue. Since setTimeout runs asynchronously the Javascript interpreter will continue by directly calling thereturn statement, which in turn triggers the browsers modal dialog. This will block the UI queue and the code from the first setTimeout is not executed, until the modal is closed. If the user pressed cancel, it will trigger another setTimeout which fires in about one second. If the user confirmed with ok, the user will redirect and the second setTimeout is never fired.

 $(window).bind("beforeunload", function(e) {
  setTimeout(function() {
            setTimeout(function() {
                $("body").css('background-color', 'red').html("User click cancel button");
            }, 1000);
        return 'are you sure';
 $(window).unload( function () { 
  console.log('bye bye :)');
 } );


