/n:會針對每一個選取的項目,以單窗格 (我的電腦) 檢視方式開啟一個新視窗, 即使新視窗與已開啟的視窗重複 也一樣。 /e:會使用 Windows 檔案總管檢視。Windows 檔案總管檢視十分類似 Windows 3.x 版中的檔案管理員。請注意,預設檢視為 開啟檢視。 /root,
- "My Computer" highlighted in left side with all drives visible but not expanded and C: highlighted in right side: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /e,/select,c:
- Desktop highlighted and nothing expanded: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /e,/n,/select,/root,c:
- All drives visible and the system drive highlighted and expanded in full screen: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /e,/select
- All drives visible and the system drive expanded in small screen: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /e,/select,%systemroot%
- Only Windows Directory visible highlighted and expanded: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /e,/root,%systemroot%
- All drives visible but only C: highlighted and expanded: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /e,c:
- Nothing expanded and My Computer highlighted in right side: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n,/e,/select,
- Opens the Windows folder as a folder: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe %systemroot%
- Opens as "My Computer": %SystemRoot%explorer.exe %systemroot%,
- This opens the Desktop folder with "My Computer" highlighted: %SystemRoot%explorer.exe %systemroot%,/select,
- "Desktop" highlighted in the left side and no drives visible:
%systemroot%explorer.exe /e,/root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D},/select - "My Computer" highlighted in left side and all drives visible but none expanded:
%systemroot%explorer.exe /e,/root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} - "Desktop" in left side highlighted and "My Computer" highlighted in right side and no drives visible:
%systemroot%explorer.exe /e,/select,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
在程式中開啟 檔案總管 (Using C#)