星期一, 8月 09, 2010

從37 Signals可學到的37個創業心法

1) 成就大事業不是有個產品或服務就成,而是有自己看事物的角度。

2) 做計畫是讓你對你無法掌控的感覺可掌控的活動。(讓你自我感覺良好)

3) 做事時你才擁有最多的資訊,而非完成前。

4) 幾年前不可能的事今天都簡單了。

5) 失敗不是成功的先決條件。(成功之母不一定是失敗)

6) 事前不需設定你會變得多大。(不用預先限制自己的成功)

7) 不要坐在那裏等別人完成你想要改變的事(坐而言,不如起而行?)

8) 評估你完成的產品品質,不須假手他人,可以自行完成的。(自己看最準)

9) 解決自己的問題會讓你愛上你做的事

10) 重要的是你做的事,不是你想的,說的,或計畫的

11) 當你急切的想要某個東西,你就會生出時間(做)了。

12) 要創業的最佳時機永遠等不到。(所以不用"等")

13) 創"業",不是創造一個"創業"。(生意是根本,開公司或相關行為是其次)

14) 你需要的是"下決心"的策略,而不是"退出"策略。(創業人都會想怎麼賣掉來"退出")

15) 大公司說的多,做的少。

16) 可以是個做到一半的產品,但不能是半吊子的產品。

17) 如何卓越?打掉還不錯的部分就成了。

18) "現實環境"是個不願持續嘗試的藉口。

19) The big picture is all you should be worrying about in the beginning. Ignore the details.

20) Decide. You’re as likely to make a great call today as you are tomorrow.

21) The longer it takes to develop, the less likely it is to launch.

22) It’s the stuff you leave out that matters.

23) Focus on substance, not fashion. Focus on what won’t change.

24) When good enough gets the job done, go for it.

25) When you make tiny decisions, you can’t make big mistakes.

26) Pour yourself into your product.

27) You rarely regret saying no but you often regret saying yes.

28) Better your customers grow out of your product, than never grow into them.

29) You can’t paint over a bad experience with good marketing.

30) All companies have customers. Fortunate companies have audiences too.

31) Instead of out-spending your competitors, out-teach them.

32) Let customers look behind the curtain.

33) Leave the poetry in what you make, there is beauty in imperfection.

34) Marketing is not a department, it’s the sum total of everything you do.

35) Don’t hire for pleasure; hire to kill pain.

36) Don’t make up problems you don’t have yet.

37) A business without a path to profit is a hobby.


