星期三, 1月 30, 2013

[Alfresco] Tomcat/temp 的上傳暫存檔無法清除

alfresco:3.4.5 深埋很久的bug,用javascript webscript/java backed都會產生暫存檔無法清除的問題 有找到一些討論的訊息 https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ALF-2363

 Alfresco QA Team added a comment - 19-May-10 03:23 PM Validated against 3.3.0 beta 39. 
Temp files are removed according to tempFileCleanerTrigger settings in scheduled-jobs-context.xml.


 alfresco會透過tempFileCleanerTrigger 來清除檔案,相關設定在scheduled-jobs-context.xml。 設定檔路徑在以下/usr/local/TOMCAT/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco


Class TempFileProvider

A helper class that provides temporary files, providing a common point to clean them up.
The contents of ALFRESCO_TEMP_FILE_DIR [%java.io.tmpdir%/Alfresco] are managed by this class. Temporary files and directories are cleaned by TempFileCleanerJob so that after a delay [default 1 hour] the contents of the alfresco temp dir, both files and directories are removed.
Some temporary files may need to live longer than 1 hour. The temp file provider allows special sub folders which are cleaned less frequently. By default, files in the long life folders will remain for 24 hours unless cleaned by the application code earlier.
The other contents of %java.io.tmpdir% are not touched by the cleaner job.
TempFileCleanerJob Job Data: protectHours, number of hours to keep temporary files, default 1 hour.

Class TempFileProvider.TempFileCleanerJob
Cleans up all Alfresco temporary files that are older than the given number of hours. Subdirectories are emptied as well and all directories below the primary temporary subdirectory are removed.

The job data must include a property protectHours, which is the number of hours to protect a temporary file from deletion since its last modification.





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