星期一, 1月 30, 2012

[Alfresco] Pagination of Lucene

使用javascript API的search.query(searchParameters)方法時,

Improve the skipCount function not to check the permissions.

This is an enhancement request for paging offset in FTS query called "skipcount". Alfresco don't have to check permission of skipped items when we specify the skipCount. 

(*1 system.max.permissionChecks 1000 as the default) 

I know the paging search itself won't be affected by the permission check as far as I tested it with an out of box webscripts named "children.get. js". So, in this case it works very fine, because this webscript uses "group.getChildGroups(maxItems, skipCount)" with ModelUtil.paging internally, so with this webscripts I can correctly get the result more than the specified number to the permission check. I attached the webscript, please find the sample-webscripts.zip for your reference. 

But, the problem is that if we use the paging offset in FTS query called "skipcount" combined with the Lucene search query in the WebScripts as follows, then it will be affected by the permission check. I attached the webscirpts named paging-result.zip for your reference. 

    var skipCount = 0 + args["skip"]; 
    var searchParams = {}; 
    searchParams.query = "cm\:name:document*"; 
    searchParams.language = "fts-alfresco"; 
    var paging = {}; 
    paging.maxItems = 100; 
    paging.skipCount = skipCount; 
    paging.totalItems = 100, 
    searchParams.page = paging; 
    var results = search.query(searchParams); 
    model["length"] = results.length; 
    model["results"] = results; 

In this case, when we specify the skipcount below the number of system.max.permissionCheck for example 1000 as the default, and set a proper paging value, then it will return the correct result, but the problem is when we specify skipcount over 1,000, then webscripts returns no results (zero items). 
So, the work around is to set over 1,000 to the "system.acl.maxPermissionChecks" , then we can get the results correctly. But increasing this parameter will give more stress to Alfresco server, so that would be nice if we could improve the function of skipCount since Alfresco don't have to check the permission of skipped items when we specify the skipCount. 

# Properties to limit resources spent on individual searches
# The maximum time spent pruning results
# The maximum number of results to perform permission checks against

Transactional update cache 'org.alfresco.cache.node.aspectsTransactionalCache' is full (10000)





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